How to Pump Up Your Leftovers

How to Pump Up Your Leftovers

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Amazing Eating practices

I got sugar on my fingers!  What is the use of sugar for a community then when all it does is a mystery? It's on our funnel cakes powdered and in our canned syrups with fruit.  Sugar coats our elephant ears, and our throats.

Over $20,000 on my root canal from sugar maybe or cigarettes has brought to my attention the way of sugar as a treat, a reward, and a drug.  When I'm ready to eat I start with sugary cereals, then big sandwices and end my day with a trail of sweet nutty snacks.

For dinner I put dessert first and my potatoes and hot rolls with butter before the chicken or fish.  When I watch television I exercise during commercials, and or eat smaller meals than if I'm measuring walks or wieght lifting.

For all the worries and remarks from friends and family about sugary foods, I'm grateful for listening to them so that I can feel younger and healthier at the middle age overweight stage in life.

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